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NanoRam-1064 handheld Raman analyser

B&W Tek has introduced the NanoRam-1064, a handheld Raman analyser for non-destructive identification of raw materials and the latest addition to the company's handheld Raman product line.

The NanoRam-1064 uses Raman technology for non-destructive identification and verification of raw materials such as APIs, intermediates and excipients. NanoRam-1064 can identify more samples as it minimises fluorescence, which makes it an ideal tool to identify coloured samples, natural products and to differentiate between different grades of cellulose, polysorbate and Opadry. 

The handheld system has an intuitive work flow that can be operated by nontechnical users to expedite materials through incoming inspection including be it in the warehouse, loading dock, or lab.

The NanoRam-1064 is operated using the NOS-1064 embedded software, which comes equipped with on-board method and library validation, on-board instrument calibration, library and method development and data storage/transfer. The software is paired with the NID EX software package, which is designed for use on PCs and allows end users to generate reports, review data and access the audit trail for instrument operations. Both software packages are 21 CFR Part 11 compliant.


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