4D Technology has announced the inaugural BioCam QPM Research Awards Contest, created to spur biologically important applications of Quantitative Phase Microscopy (QPM) technology.
‘In recent years QPM has been integrated with Dynamic Interferometry, which has enabled 3D, video-rate imaging with high lateral resolution for a wide variety of biological studies,’ said Dr Erik Novak, director of business development at 4D Technology. ‘QPM is currently being used to examine cellular mitosis and motility, to quantify drug effects on cellular properties and morphology, and to investigate cell morphology under varying conditions. We believe QPM can have an even broader impact, however, and so we are challenging the scientific community to submit proposals regarding advanced applications for QPM technology.’
For the contest, 4D is seeking applications within any field of life science and biology including but not limited to quantitative bio-imaging, biophysics, drug discovery, pharma, biotechnology, stem cells, diagnosis, cytometry, morphology, and cell mechanics.
Up to three winning researchers or organisations will receive $2,000 cash prizes for submitting the winning proposals. Applicants can submit their entries online.