Fraunhofer IPMS has achieved an important milestone within the European project HYPOLED with its digital VGA full-colour OLED microdisplay.
The device features VGA resolution (640 x 480 x 3), active area 7.7 x 5.8mm², chip size 12 x 11mm², monochrome and full colour versions, digital pixel cell (PWM), 24-bit parallel digital video interface, I²C configuration interface (including colour, contrast, gamma correction), 50/60Hz frame rate, temperature monitoring and test modes (test pattern). The chip is produced on a 0.18μm CMOS 8-inch backplane wafer (supplied by X-FAB Silicon Foundries) and operates with a core supply of 1.8V. All digital inputs and outputs are 1.8V interfaces. An effective OLED voltage up to 6.7V can be applied (depending on specific OLED stack) with a negative voltage of -5.0V at the common OLED cathode.
Ongoing work is related to full characterisation (Fraunhofer IPMS) and implementation into head-mounted displays (HMD) and micro-projector applications (in collaboration with HYPOLED partners). Samples and further HYPOLED achievements will be shown during the Society for Information Display (SID) Mid Europe spring meeting 2010.