Physics Q&A: Mark Cropper discusses the ESA’s Euclid telescope and its role to help find, measure and understand the Dark Sector Mark Cropper tells Electro Optics about the purpose of the Euclid project... Latest Content New Raman optical phenomenon reveals ‘hidden’ energy states of molecules New ELI Beamlines project investigates gamma-ray free electron laser Q&A: Mark Cropper discusses the ESA’s Euclid telescope and its role to help find, measure and understand the Dark Sector More content ELI ALPS attosecond facility installs 15TW femtosecond laser system New facility will house two 25-petawatt lasers for research New 2µm lasers to enhance gravitational wave detection £85m, 20-petawatt laser system to be built in UK Ultrafast laser technique holds promise for fusion discoveries Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 2