3S Photonics has released what it claims are the industry's most powerful CW and pulsed 1,064nm cooled laser diode modules, to be used as seed lasers in fibre laser applications. The diodes are enhanced versions of its 1064 CHP Series 1064nm laser diode modules, capable of delivering up to 500mW of CW optical power through single-mode fibre, and intended for industrial applications.
These seed laser modules have been characterised at peak operating currents up to 1.7A, with 1µs/500Khz pulses. The modules incorporate an ultra-high power 1,060nm single-mode laser diode including a thermistor and an InGaAs back-facet monitor diode.
These new 1064 CHP modules have proven their long-term reliability through a dedicated 4000h life-test with 1.2A injection current and up to 50°C heat sink temperature. Thermal cycling, high temperature storage and mechanical integrity tests have also been successfully passed.