Toptica Photonics has introduced the FemtoFiber smart family of fibre lasers, which are dedicated to applications ranging from biophotonics to terahertz generation and two-photon polymerisation.
Based on polarisation-maintaining fibres and saturable absorber (SAM) modelocking technology, the new FemtoFiber smart family transfers the FemtoFiber pro concept into more compact systems, designed for specific ultrafast applications. Including all optics and control electronics in one single box (122x202x69mm3), the lasers of the FemtoFiber smart family are the most compact ultrafast lasers available on the market. All models with wavelength above 1000nm have fibre coupled outputs and offer either FC/APC receptacles or fibre pigtails.
The family includes FemtoFErb 780nm (<230fs, >50mW); PicoFYb 1030/1064nm (<10ps pulse duration, >10mW average); FemtoFYb 1030nm (<800fs, >0.5mW); FemtoFErb 1560nm (<100fs, >100mW, 20cm fibre pigtail); and FemtoFErb FD6 1560nm (<120fs, >100mW).