Lasermet has extended its range of Laser Interlock Systems to include two new systems – the ICS-10 and ICS-5.
The ICS-10 is an intelligent version based on its previous ICS-1 model, which is fully programmable from a PC and has an LCD screen user interface. It is available in both wall-mounted or portable versions.
The ICS-5 is a compact system that can be wired directly to four interlocks or groups of interlocks, making it ideal for small laboratories or clinics. It incorporates the latest in electronic technology and is easy to install, use and maintain.
All Lasermet Interlock Systems have been designed for maximum safety and efficiency and are configured to provide automatic shut-off of the laser beam if safety doors, covers or blinds are opened. They are all fitted with a unique safety-checking circuit to ensure that the system maintains the safety function in the event of single or multiple internal component failure.
These Interlock Systems offer the facility to interlock with laser mains power supplies, low-voltage laser beam shutters and laser interlock connectors as well as to control the automatic switching of illuminated warning signs. A key-lock prevents unauthorised use and there is also a reset button. Emergency stop circuitry is included for activation via a push button or by breaking a glass panel.
Systems can be fitted with optional timed entry/exit overrides, generally via a push button from inside and a keypad/swipecard from outside. There is also the option to operate door maglocks directly from the system for applications where it is imperative that there is no interruption to the laser beam.