Horiba Jobin Yvon has launched its new series of combined Raman and FTIR microscope systems. The new LabRAM IR2 and LabRAM ARAMIS IR2 systems provide an expanded range of micro-analysis facilities upon the single benchtop instrument. New features for the LabRAM IR2 series include full FTIR mapping capabilities, a breakthrough made possible through the use of the company’s LabSPEC 5 software – a modular kernel-based design concept pioneered by Horiba Jobin Yvon for Raman mapping. This capability is unique to Horiba Jobin Yvon and represents a significant step forward for combined confocal Raman and FTIR analysis. So where previously only single spot FTIR measurements have been available, for the first time a complete 2D chemical image derived from both Raman and FTIR spectral information can be obtained. The SameSPOT technology ensures that optical, Raman and FTIR images are generated from the exact same sample position.
The new FTIR unit has improved imaging functions, smaller IR objectives for easier operation and automated aperturing for spatial filtering control. It can also be added as an upgrade to many existing LabRAM Raman microscopes.