Limo has released its 20mm mrad direct diode laser.
The new LIMO1000-F200-DL808/915/940/980-EX784 emits 1000W delivered by a 200µm fibre (NA=0.22).
The direct diode design has a low power consumption of around 5kW, a small laser system form factor with a footprint of just 0.5m2, the use of exchangeable standard non-cooled optical fibres and maintenance-free operation.
The diode laser is available as a laser module or integrated into a turnkey industrial laser system that includes power supply, chiller and standard industrial interfaces like pyrometer, CAN bus, RS232, SPS, interlock, emergency-stop, and laser warning lights.
The system offers a completely controlled operation of the diode laser, including CW and pulsed operation down to 100µs pulse duration, suitable for a fast and easy integration into a large variety of production machines.