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Model 207V

The new high vacuum spectrometer from McPherson, the Model 207V, is a 670mm focal length optically fast f/4.7 monochromator with vacuum tight housing. It works over a broad spectral range, from the deep UV through the visible and long-wave infrared, and its clean construction is ideal for contaminant-free purge and vacuum applications.

Stigmatic performance with off-axis parabolic optics is also available for the Model 207V. With stainless steel housing capable of a 10E-6 torr vacuum, this instrument works unfettered over a very wide wavelength range – depending on the grating(s) installed, it can work from 110 nanometres to 15 microns.

Features include snap-in diffraction gratings optimised for spectral resolution and/or for wavelength range coverage. The 50-millimetre-wide focal plane is ideal for work with camera systems. Precise and durable slits are provided for coupling free-space or fibre optic signals. The Model 207V works with no interference from atmospheric or ambient gases. It is useful for applications in astrophysics, material and life sciences. 


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