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OSM2 Series Spectrometers

Newport has released the latest OSM series of spectrometers to replace the previous OSM series with a more powerful sensor array.

The OSM2 models are equipped with a back-thinned 2048-element CCD with an improved UV and NIR sensitivity, three times higher dynamic range, and 50 per cent less noise (and hence 50 per cent better signal-to-noise ratio), compared with the OSM series.

These instruments have very low stray light and sub-nanometer resolution. The OSM2-400 models can operate as stand-alone instruments with an LCD screen running on battery power. Their 32-bit RISC CPU and built-in math functions make data acquisition, configuring and data storage operations seamless and without visible delays.

Data can be stored, archived and transported on removable SmartMedia memory cards or simply stored into the instrument’s on-board 4-MB memory for future retrieval. If you prefer, a flexible software application allows you to remotely control the spectrometer via an RS-232, USB or Ethernet interface.

We offer various models of OSM2 Spectrometers to cover the 200 to 1100 nm spectral range. All models include a 1 m long, 400
mm core fused silica fibre.


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