4D Technology has launched a series of PhaseCam laser interferometers for accurate surface and wavefront measurements at 1.053, 1.064, 1.3 and 1.55µm wavelengths.
PhaseCam laser interferometers employ dynamic interferometry technology to acquire measurement data in fewer than 30 microseconds. Because acquisition time is so short, the instruments are insensitive to vibration and air turbulence, enabling use in difficult environments such as production floors, clean rooms and environmental testing chambers. Beam Ratio adjustment ensures maximum fringe contrast, enabling measurement of optics with reflectivity from 1-100 per cent.
Turnkey PhaseCam NIR systems include 4Sight advanced wavefront analysis software, providing 2D and 3D analysis and visualisation tools, as well as filtering, masking, database and import/export functions.
Applications for PhaseCam NIR systems include measurement of optics for astronomy, surveillance, guidance and directed energy. The PhaseCam family provides accurate wavefront quality measurement of optical elements from DUV through 10.6µm infrared wavelengths.