Advancements in quantum photonics: The crucial role of ultra low loss (ULL) fibre optic connectors

Advancements in quantum photonics: The crucial role of ultra low loss (ULL) fibre optic connectors: A White Paper from Diamond SA
Quantum photonics has emerged as a rapidly advancing field with enormous potential for various applications including quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum communication.
As the demand for efficient and reliable transmission of quantum information increases, the role of fibre optics connectors becomes more crucial.
This white paper aims to provide a glance at the latest advancements in Diamond’s effort to decrease connection losses in single-mode fibre connectors, in order to provide players in the field of quantum photonics with a new class of Ultra Low Loss connectors that can assist them in improving the efficiency of coupling of quantum emitters, detectors, and other components, facilitating the development of robust quantum technologies.
Who should read this White Paper?
Anyone who may be involved in the adoption, development, or implementation of ultra-low-loss fibre optic connectors and single-photon transmission technologies, including:
- Quantum physicists and engineers
- Photonics researchers and scientists
- Network architects, engineers and telecoms specialists
- Systems integrators and consultants
- R&D managers and directors
- Data scientists and analysts
- Biomedical engineers
- Financial analysts and risk managers
What this White Paper covers
- An introduction to quantum applications and the importance of ultra low loss fibre optic connectors
- The application of fibre optic connectors in quantum photonics
- The causes of insertion loss
- Diamond’s innovative ferrule and active core alignment termination method
- Measurement of insertion losses
- How Diamond’s experience and willingness to always stay at the forefront of development enables the company to help customers pave the way for the realisation of advanced quantum technologies.