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VCSEL array portfolio with the multi-junction feature

Trumpf Photonic Components supports the request for miniaturisation in consumer electronics and automotive by expanding its VCSEL array portfolio with the multi-junction feature.

With tunnel functions, the performance of a single VCSEL is increased, as multiple active zones are put into series in the same VCSEL component. Up to three times the output can be generated out of the same VCSEL device. Most illumination applications benefit from higher efficiency and increase in output power with the same VCSEL light source. 

The multi-junction technology supports applications such as lidar, as this application in the automotive branch requires high-output power within limited space for the short and long-range identification of objects.

The VCSEL technology will remain a main light source for applications in smartphones, consumer electronics and automotive applications, as they are highly efficient and boast a long service life. Based on the application requirements, Trumpf offers options with highly integrated optical structures for the best fit.

Therefore, along with the multi-junction option and monolithically integrated optics, VCSELs can offer polarization control for improved illumination quality, or integrated photodiodes to enable the further processing of light signals.


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