Alphanov, the technology centre of the Bordeaux Route des lasers cluster, has introduced a family of diode driver modules. With the new Cool and Control (CC) diode driver modules, single-mode and multimode diodes can now be driven reliably and securely with compact devices.
The single-mode Cool and Control module (CC-S) drives and cools external standard butterfly laser diodes. From single-shot to CW with pulse lengths from hundreds of picoseconds to any required pulse burst configuration, its pulses are generated internally or on-demand from a LVTTL signal with ~500ps rise time range and up to 0.5 Amps CW current.
The multimode Cool and Control module (CC-M) allows the user to control external single or multiple element laser diodes up to 20V, 15 Amps. The diode can be stabilised in either ACC (Automatic Current Control) or APC (Automatic Power Control using an external photodiode signal).